Combat counterfeits, protect your brand and boost loyalty

Every minute of the day consumers globally are getting ripped off by counterfeit goods, which is tarnishing the reputation of genuine organisations.

Cifr was founded to solve this problem, whilst giving you the opportunity to promote live exclusive marketing offers to consumers. Rewarding them for purchasing authentic goods.

The future of authentication and brand engagement

What is Cifr?

Cifr is a revolutionary new authentication system that uses cutting-edge encryption methods to deliver unparalleled security. This is achieved through our ingenious Chip, which employs advanced encryption techniques to render it immune to cloning, resilient against quantum threats, and impervious to tampering.

Cifr was created with the primary objective of significantly improving a brand's capability to detect and prevent counterfeiting once items are authenticated. Brands have access to a live marketing dashboard that can promote all elements of their business direct to the consumer.

How it works

We bring together everything that’s required to put a stop to counterfeiting and the tools to engage your customers. Our white-label unified platform consists of our proprietary chip technology, mobile verification app and our software suite - giving brands complete control over their reputation and the ability to engage their customers in real-time with a suite of marketing tools.

Cifr Chip

Traditional and alternative authentication systems, such as QR codes, NFC tags, holograms, and serial numbers, lack security and are easily cloned.

The Cifr Chip is distinguished by its advanced security features, including blockchain integration, unique encryption keys, and proof counts.

Cifr App

Simply download the app, locate the microchip on a physical product, scan it with your smart device and Cifr will verify the authenticity of your product.

The app is customised to a brand and you can access the proof of ownership, exclusive offers and relevant content.

Cifr Suite

Cifr Suite is our toolkit for brand protection teams. It is a comprehensive software solution, designed specifically for organisations that are using the Cifr system to authenticate their products.

It hosts a broad feature set that allows organisations to effectively manage and monitor their products, and build strong customer relationships.

Ready to learn more about Cifr?

Get a demo of Cifr today and see how you can join our mission to stop counterfeiting.

Solutions for different challenges

Protecting the reputation of your organisation isn’t easy, see how Cifr can solve some of your challenges.

Increase brand reputation

Brand Protection & Product Authenticity

It is forecasted the global sales loss (annually) for the retail sector from counterfeit goods is £25 billion. Imagine if there was a solution that could help you increase your brand reputation, stop counterfeiting and reward consumers for buying authetnic items.

Meet Cifr for Retail.

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About us

A dedicated team, focused on achieving a purpose-driven mission

Our team comprises of tech innovators, industry experts and security enthusiasts determined to put a stop to counterfeiting.

Ready to learn more about Cifr?

Get a demo of Cifr today and see how you can join our mission to put a stop counterfeiting.

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